When selling your home one of the most daunting experience can be viewings. Showing a prospective buyer around your property is something which many find an uncomfortable experience, let alone the tidying and cleaning required beforehand! Although estate agents often provide a ‘viewing service’, most viewings are often undertaken by the home seller. Who else knows a better property? So, what are the main tips for those showing their own home? We’d like to share a few favourites. There are, of course, some general essentials such as cleaning and clearing as best possible, yet it is also advisable to arrange the viewing on a day and time when the sun is going to be shining upon the garden or when there may be fewer cars within the address. Think about where the prospective buyers might park. If you have a two-car drive, ensure space is free by parking one of your own vehicles around the corner. Or, if you don’t have a drive, keep your car parked at the front of your home and move it 15 minutes before the viewing. Should the viewing take place upon a dark day, turn all the internal lights on 10 minutes before the scheduled viewing time. Leave these lights on until the viewing has finished. Well-lit homes appear cleaner, larger and more inviting. In years gone by it was suggested that coffee pots should be on the go with the aroma of a fresh brew filling a home, or perhaps bread makers inducing the air with a warm smell. These days such endeavours seem an obvious tactic and in our opinion, are best avoided. Instead, try using a subtle vanilla fragrance, but don’t overdo it! The mild scent of vanilla is known to create a relaxing atmosphere. It is a good idea not to cook fish or other strong smelling food the night before too! Above all try and put prospective buyers at ease. Although you may be nervous remember that those visiting your home are probably more nervous than you are. They are entering your home for the first time and the more relaxed you make them feel, the better. Be yourself and try not to ‘sell’. Ultimately it is your home that should sell itself.